Please join us the second Wednesday of every month in helping "the least of these" as we feed and share the Love of Jesus Christ with our community.

The next date is March 12th.

Here is the schedule for workflow:
9-10 AM Prepwork (@ MJ Naz)
10 AM-12:30PM Handout (across the street @ THC)

Wednesday Evening Prayer

This is a reminder that MJN's prayer ministry group meets at 6 PM on Wednesdays either at the church or on Zoom.

Please consider being part of this special time of prayer, and let Pastor Russ or the church office know if you have specific items you would like us to pray for during our time together.



The camp has moved back one week to June 9-12.
Please mark your calendars.

FOUR Ways to Give

Remember to be faithful in tithes and offerings. You may give in four ways:

1. The giving box at the exit of the sanctuary on Sunday morning.
2. Our Church Center App.
3. Our website under the Give tab or by going directly to
4. Mail a check with our church name to P. O. Box 477, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121 (Note the different zip code).


The annual Easter egg hunt outreach to the community is April 12. We need bunches of candy to pack in the eggs for the hunt. Please bring candy donations to the foyer over the next few weeks.