Fall Gathering

Fall Gathering is October 19th at the Seaman's House. Registration is available on www.mjnaz.org and the church app.

This is a great opportunity to invite your unchurched friends and have a great time of fellowship.

There are fall gathering cards available in the foyer to remind yourself to pray about who God would want you to invite and then invite them!

Remember to register for the Chili Cook Off and bring your favorite chili. You might even win a prize!

Cafe Express - October 25

Teens, this will be Friday, October 25th from 6-8:30pm at the church. Also, Youth Service is each Sunday night at 6pm.

Pastor Appreciation Month

The month of October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Please feel free to drop a card or gift in the box located on the round table in the foyer for any of our staff during this month.

We so appreciate all they do for our church and community so let’s tell them! “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” - Philippians 1:3

MJNAZ Women's Retreat

Nov. 1-3. Registration is available on www.mjnaz.org and the church app.

The retreat will be held at Camp Garner Creek (CGC). This facility is a beautiful place of refuge. The slow-flowing Garner Creek is the border on the West. The other borders are farmland, 120 acres of woods and hiking trails. The natural beauty of the place is a perfect setting to minimize distractions so you can enjoy each other’s company and focus on Jesus.

Youth Explosion!!! November 8-9

Come share your God-given gifts and abilities with us at EXPLOSION!
We cannot wait to see you in Cookeville in just a couple of weeks.

Sign Up for MJNAZ Youth (if you haven't already) to let us know you will be going. This keeps up with all youth MJNAZ events!

$55 - Students / $30 - Adult Chaperones

Three Ways to Give

Remember to be faithful in tithes and offerings. You may give in three ways:

1. The giving box at the exit of the sanctuary on Sunday morning.
2. Our Church Center App.
3. Our website under the Give tab or by going directly to www.mjnaz.org/give/.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

This is a reminder that MJN's prayer ministry group meets at 6 PM on Wednesdays either at the church or on Zoom.

Please consider being part of this special time of prayer, and let Pastor Russ or the church office know if you have specific items you would like us to pray for during our time together.