Care and Connection
Our church has been paired with Ana Crocker Diaz and Rusty and Diane Robbins so we can pray for them, connect with them, and support them in their mission work.
Rusty and Diane Robbins
We love to tell people about the work God is doing in the hearts and lives of people across the Eurasia region.
We have the privilege of serving the Eurasia Region in coordinator roles. Eurasia encompasses 93 sovereign nations or distinct areas across Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, North Africa, and the CIS.
Rusty is the JESUS Film Regional Coordinator with work focused in the 10/40 window to clearly present the saving grace of Jesus Christ to all, while developing passionate disciples of Jesus, and this within strong and healthy local churches.
Diane is the Nazarene Missions International (NMI) Regional Coordinator. She works with district leaders to make missions a dynamic and fully integrated part of church life.
Ana Crocker Diaz
I am a member of the Landívar Church of the Nazarene in the Central District of Guatemala; I am a global missionary and serve as the Regional Coordinator of the NMI in Mesoamerica.
I have served in various ministries in my local church and for nine years, I served as president of NMI in the Central district of Guatemala and at the same time supporting as coordinator of this minis- try in the Central Area (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras of the former Region MAC (Mexico and Central America).