This "Group" is designed to make your life easier, not harder. Here are some of the benefits you can expect:
1. Easy enrollment - open, request to join, or closed. You control this function.
2. Leadership - you control who leads. You can choose a few co-leaders when ready to help with organization and attendance. They are also great to have with you if you are sick or out of town.
3. Events - Set up your detailed events; these can be open or private to your group. Users can subscribe to the calendar.
4. Resources - Resources are files (PDFs, documents, images) for group members. You can make them available to group leaders or all group members.
5. Settings - you control your group description and display photos, reminder emails, group messaging, enrollment settings, zoom URL, etc.
6. Reports - Overview and attendance. Keep up with who is coming to class and who has been absent for a while.
You can access your group in two ways
2. Planning Center Online
upper LH corner>home>groups (more detailed management). You can log in with your preexisting planning center login.
Please let me know if you need a login or cannot access your account.
This option is for easy and detailed planning for your group!
Please access your home.planningcenteronline.com account and enter your course description in settings as soon as you can.
You can also enter a zoom link in this area for all members.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at: